December 27, 2010

l o o k i n g . b a c k

looking back at the year requires more consideration than I can offer in the short days before '11. there were major shifts in circumstance, and many challenges to character and temperament and capability. it was, in the end, a year of sea change, and a good one, with swift, easy currents and fathomable, awesome depths, and schools and schools of colorful, beautiful fish.

i can't say where it all will lead, except into the new year, bright with opportunity and more of the good friends and family who've borne me this far already. a toast to you on this wintry day, along the edge of something new, our next great adventure: tomorrow. cheers!

December 08, 2010


has returned
from mountain and social climbing,
sleeve and joint rolling, video and life editing,
sight- and over-seeing,
is video-recording life in San Francisco
for two weeks in December,
and is hungry. for nettles, lentils, and radicchio;
for a space to feed our friends.

December 06, 2010

b o o m !

after late nights of driving, scavenging, stealing, and cassette recording, E. N. and i finished a sculpture recently selected for southern exposure's 18th annual juried exhibition, BOOM!  it opens this friday, december 10th from 6-9pm at SOEX, 3030 20th street, san francisco, and will remain up until the 18th. i hope to see you there!

for more information, please visit southern exposure. thanks!