November 25, 2012

2 1 s t c e n t u r y

opening tomorrow

darin klein + friends present, with suzanne wright:

the third annual queer pile-up! and the release of

21st century queer artists identify themselves #4

the show runs november 26 - december 1, 2012 

at foryourart / 6020 wilshire blvd los angeles, ca

October 18, 2012

t c

torreya cummings strangefamiliars / at southern exposure

September 18, 2012

September 05, 2012

"There is, as will appear later, an element of undergoing, 

of suffering, in its large sense, in every experience. 

Otherwise there could be no taking in of what preceded. 

For "taking in" in any vital experience, 

is something more than placing something 

on top of consciousness over what was previously known. 

It involves reconstruction which may be painful." 

John Dewey

March 02, 2012

February 24, 2012

January 28, 2012

here is where i'm from: that humid sound outside your window, leaves and children passing during the day, frigid morning, kitchen in dark. turn off the radio. blast the car with mountain orange air. laying against the sharp angle of your back, grass finds its way between my toes. remember that apple: the one we took for a ride that time. let's begin again and again.