February 05, 2007

The Queen Mary 2

The QM2 came into town yesterday, and D&J and I were among the thousands standing on the shore to watch it sail beneath the Golden Gate. Apparently they had to wait until low tide to squeeze it through--missing the bridge by about 27 feet--that's how big this thing is. There seemed to be something old about the whole affair, which I thought was nice. I like that kind of thing, i guess.

You need to check out the QM2 website, and the San Francisco Gate's photographs of the ship's arrival; they're really incredible. Click the photo below.


  1. Nice ... I was there too, and took some photos of this grand event!

  2. damn! what an event!

  3. Looks like an incredible display of engineering.. in a gorgeous setting. Lucky you could be there!

  4. very nice blog man. like your style alot.

  5. Very cool Nick. Must be great hanging with J&D again too.

  6. I love your sketches. They really get the character, the motion and the moment!

  7. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Hi Nick. Thanks for a great day. Maybe one day we can see the world on a big ocean liner... or maybe less glamorously and more adventurously, with some jolly sailors on a freighter. You decide.
