January 29, 2008



  1. You make me homesick... I'm French, but the last 6 years I've spent in London before moving here in California 4 months ago, felt like home, London is a fabulous city.
    Did you enjoy it?

  2. London was wonderful, Stef.
    I wish I could have stayed much much much longer. It was overwhelming, satisfying and very exciting; it had a real feeling of vitality. The old and the new both alive and thriving--and culture everywhere! I can't wait to go back!

    You're a lucky guy!

  3. Yes these are a lively series of images. I worked in London for just six weeks and ache to go back. Glad to see the familiar places!

    Did you do any watercolours while you were there, Nick?

  4. What great photos! Good eye!
