March 04, 2008



  1. Anonymous3:20 PM


    My name is Joanna Mo. I am a student at the University of Waterloo in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, studying Accounting and Financial Management. A while back, I saw the Harold Rosenbaum cartoon on YTV. It was original and hilarious, and I have remembered Harold since.

    I recently took on the role of co-editor of Working Paper of the University of Waterloo's Accounting Student's Association. The Working Paper is similar to a magazine, but mainly geared towards students within the School of Accounting and Finance at the university-- nothing too fancy though.

    While searching for article ideas, Harold Rosenbaum came to mind. I am looking to write an article to introduce the accounting student body to this wonderful cartoon. I couldn't find much about Harold on the internet other than several videos on youtube. I came accross your site and decided to try my luck by messaging you here. If you are able to see this message, would it at all be possible to provide me with some information about Harold Rosenbaum that I can include in my article? Thank you for your time.

    Best regards,


    My e-mail:

  2. Wow. Really nice sketch! Love all of them little details you put in. Adds even more to that guys personality.

  3. Nice sketch, Nick. I like hor candid your portraits of folks are. And it's not 'Sam', it's 'Steve' MacLeod.

  4. Whoops! Thanks Austin.
    Thanks Sam, I mean, Steve.

    That's my dad.

  5. Great sketch, four boners up

  6. Really nice sketch pages. I love the painting here as well. The early bird one of the boats at sunrise is stunning.

    I can't believe how amazing these blogs are that I can come see the personal images of an artist from Pixar that I would have otherwise not known.

    Great work,
    Joe y Elio

  7. I was going to ask if it was your brother. Sweet.
