March 16, 2006

NEW YORK sketchbooks: chromacolour

You know--it just occured to me that there really aren't so many posts with drawings on my blog; I'll have to remedy that. Anyway, this is more like it, right? Fairly self explanitory:

Sketchcrawl, day 1 in NY; cafe sketching that evening; doodles from much later, trying to recall things and people I had seen in the big apple; greek statuary and spanish portraiture from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.

The American Museum of Natural History


The Boston MFA


  1. Wow!!! These are great. Inspiring!

  2. thank you mr. robot!

  3. the animals are just great. The first one feels so cinematic.

    And love the thumbnails. Should do that myself.

    Great work as usual!

  4. Thanks German!

    That elephant room naturally had a strong feeling of drama to it--many of the rooms in the museum did: dark and dusty and sort of archaic--like you could feel the age of the room. I found it a bit difficult to find a good place to draw in there, but eventually I hunched in the corner against the wall, and that worked pretty well.

  5. Very nice work!! Those sketches are great!

  6. Beautiful sketches, Nick. I especially like the fourth page down of the women standing.

  7. nice sketchbook stuff
    as usual

  8. Red pencil sometimes feels softer, don't you think? Don't know if it really is or what. Just a feeling. I remember Jeff Dickson used to do all his work with red pencil... just for the feel of it.

    Your sketches are well observed and alive. Good stuff Nick! What's Balthazar?

  9. thanks guys--
    yeah, i like the red pencil for its softness. it feels good to me!

    Balthazar (if you click on the link, you'll see) is a great french restaurant in the middle of SoHo in Manhattan. The best coffee ever, a fun atmosphere and beautiful aesthetic. My first breakfast there was one of the most exciting moments of my trip, funnily--just to be there.

  10. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I love those thumbnails! So tiny, clear, and fun!

  11. thanks anon!
    i wish i knew who you were!

  12. wow!!! beautiful sketches!
